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Old Testament - Dr. Randal D. Smith
1. Amos
3. Deuteronomy
5. Esther
7. Ezkiel
9. Genesis
11. Haggai
13. Isaiah
15. Joel
17. Joshua
19. Kings
21. Leviticus
23. Micah
25. Nehemiah
27. Obadiah
29. Psalms
31. Samuel
33. Zechariah
2. Chronicis
4. Ecclesiastes
6. Exodus
8. Ezra
10. Habakkuk
12. Hosea
14. Jeremiah
16. Jonah
18. Judges
20. Lamentations
22. Malachi
24. Nahum
26. Numbers
28. Proverbs
30. Ruth
32. Songs of Solomon
34. Zephaniah
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